Wednesday, November 18, 2009

I've been reading this elsewhere and finding them it goes.....

1. If you could master one sport, what would it be?

Sport...I really don't have any desire to ' Master ' a specific sport. I always wished I could play the piano though. If I had to pick a sport, I'd say looks fun.

2. When you make a major purchase, do you go with your gut instinct, or do you do research to make an informed decision?

Well, it depends on how ' major ' it is. I tend to like the little to medium decisions that I make from instinct. But most decisions I over analyze. I tend to go overboard searching online before I finally buy whatever it is I am looking for.

3. There is an old kids' game that says you can find out what your movie star name would be by using your middle name as your first name and the name of the street you grew up on as your last. What is your movie star name?

Michelle 14th Ave. NW....ooh...I can see the headlines already.

4. Would you rather give up your favorite music or your favorite food?
I would rather
give up my favorite food....but I'm not sure what that would be.

5. There are two types of banana preferences. One is pristine yellow, almost to the point of being green; the other is spotty and more ripe. Which is your preference?
There has to be some green on a banana for me to enjoy it. I won't eat bananas with brown on them...but I will make yummy banana bread :  )

6. Your favorite tree is? I like walking through my neighborhood in the fall and looking at all the crab apple trees and all the the puff ball trees. (I don't think that is the real name....but I did hear my neighbor call it that)

7. On a scale of 1-10, how tech savvy are you?

umm...I'm not sure. I really enjoy tech stuff...and can usually figure out how to do things...and I enjoy the process...I'll say 8...

8. Has H1N1 touched your family?

nope...hoping it doesn't...but we are NOT going to get shots....

9. Are you an analytical person, or do you just accept things the way they are without questioning or scrutinizing?
I analyze things to death....I can't stop....and I annoy even myself. There are rare times it can be helpful to have everything micro analyzed...but on a normal basis, not so much.

10. Is your personality more like that of a dog, cat, or Koala?
I have absolutely no idea. I guess maybe more like a that I am a people pleaser. I can't stand to have someone annoyed at me.

11. Do you keep in touch with friends you made years ago?
does looking at facebook count? If not...I'm not very good at it....although I did just enjoy a fabulous lunch with some friends last Saturday that I have had as friends since fourth grade (we wore the same skirt to was the beginning of a long friendship :  )

12. You are checking out at a grocery store. In the express lane, there are more people than the regular lanes, but of course, their load is less than those in the regular lanes. Which lane do you choose (assuming you qualify for the express lane) and why?

I would probably pick the express lane and then stand there and watch the other lane...and then probably switch...and then watch the express lane..and contemplate switching again. I tend to be horribly indecisive about such things.

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