Something that I heard in a sermon a few weeks ago has been on my mind, and I thought I'd share.
"God not only paid our debt of sin, He also credited Christ's righteousness to our account."
They are two extremes. If you consider the debt that we owe because of our sin, it seems insurmountable. In fact, apart from God's mercy, it IS insurmountable. God sent his Son to pay that debt. Wow! Can you imagine someone coming and paying off all your debts from cars, house, etc? Yet, earthly debts are nothing compared with the debt of sin we owed.
But, we also see that not only did God bring our account out of the red, so to speak, He credits our account with Christ's righteousness. God in His mercy looks on us as righteous because of Christ. Without Christ none are righteous.
This has been speaking to me this week and I wish I could find my notes on it. : )
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