Friday, May 14, 2010

A Heritage

I have many memories of spending time at my grandmother and grandfather's house. In honor of a late mother's day, I thought I'd share a few:

  1. Playing Cards: The grown-ups would play cards late into the evening. The cousins would have our own games, usually 'war' or ones that we made up. One time that we went, my grandma and grandpa taught my sister and me how to play 'hand and foot.' I don't know if this is a game some of you might know how to play, but in the Voelker clan, it is the game
    to play with a deck of cards (actually 3 or 4 decks.) There are specific Voelker rules that when I have played with others…they do not know these rules. Anyway, I have fond memories of my grandpa sitting behind Angela and my grandma sitting behind me teaching us to play. I cherish that memory.
  2. Those drinks in the plastic tumblers that we kind-of like kool-aid. I don't know what they were called, but my grandma always kept some in the cooler on the porch for the grandkids.
  3. Eggs: It may seem funny, but grandma would always make us eggs and bacon for breakfast. The rule at my house was that if you weren't going to eat the whites and the yolks, you shouldn't take any eggs. At grandma's though, my grandpa would secretly take all my yolks for me so I would be able to eat the whites, which I loved.
  4. Fishing: My grandma and grandpa both loved to fish and I have fond memories of fishing with them. It was really more of the time together than the fishing itself that I liked. I remember my grandma once telling me that if I didn't want to touch the worms and I didn't want to eat the fish, fishing was not really for me. It makes me smile to think of it to this day.
  5. Hand crocheted stockings at Christmas that always had an apple, an orange, a banana and M&M's in them. They had other things too, but those were the things that we could always count on.
  6. Woodworking: My grandma and grandpa had a little shop out back of their house were they did woodworking. It had all kinds of cool tools and projects in the works.
  7. The dancing Santa Christmas toy that would sing, dance and walk around when you pushed the button. The grandkids loved that thing and looked forward to playing with it every Christmas. I wonder if my grandma still has that Santa…anyone in the Voelker clan know?
  8. Bubble lights around the fireplace
  9. The little crocheted doll that held the extra toilet paper on top of the tank. Seems funny to think of, but I always thought it was so cool.
  10. Quilts: My grandma had quilts on her beds and also makes quilts for each of her grandkids when they get married. I have at my house now the quilt made by my Great-Grandma Voelker that she made for my parents for their wedding. It has many shades of green, shades that would not be in fashion today, but I love it. It is on my bed and gets used all winter long. Even more special to me is my wedding quilt made by my grandma. It gets used every night, all year long. It is beginning to show wear after 11 + years. I might have to take it to California to have it fixed by my grandma : )
  11. Flowers: I have fond memories of my grandma telling me about the flowers around her yard. When we were helping her pack up to move to California 7 or 8 years ago, my aunt and I dug up some of the tubers and bulbs around her yard. I have irises, tulips and jonquils from her garden. I have since moved them from our first house to the house we live in now. I love watching them come up each spring. I love watching them send up buds. I love seeing them flower (when the rabbits don't eat them first…as has happened with my tulips.)
Every time I look at them….I am reminded of my grandma…and that I love most of all!
I love you Grandma!


  1. Christi, This did bring back lots of memories for me as well. Thanks for posting.

  2. Rainbow - the drinks were called rainbow drinks. The blue ones were the best as they left your mouth and teeth such a lovely shade. Such fun memories....thanks for the trip down memory lane.

  3. that is such a sweet post. I actually know how to play hand and foot. Dave's parents taught me. LOVE IT!
    My favorite is the quilts. Especially since you have your mom's. That is very special.

  4. This is Adam! Great Memories!!! The drinks were called HUGS. Google hugs drinks and look at the picture. Loved those drinks!!

  5. I admit defeat.....they were called HUGS.


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